What is Acess Bars?🙌🩷
✨️Access Bars works by gently touching 32 specific points on your head, each of which is connected to different aspects of your life. These points hold the electromagnetic charge of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that have built up over time. They are associated with areas such as healing, body awareness, control, creativity, power, aging, sexuality, money, relationships, and communication.
✨️During a session, as these points are activated through light touch, the stored energy begins to release, helping to clear any limitations and blockages tied to these aspects of life. This creates a deep sense of relaxation, allowing you to let go of mental clutter, stress, and tension while creating more space for new opportunities and positive change.
✨️Many people find that after a session, they feel mentally clearer, more peaceful, and open to new possibilities. Access Bars can help shift your mindset, reduce anxiety, and increase your overall well-being by clearing out old, stagnant energy and making room for fresh, empowering experiences.
🌿Ready to experience the benefits of this unique healing technique?
🌿 Book your Access Bars session at Elvina Wellness Therapy today and explore how these 32 points can help transform your life!🙌✨️🌿