✨️We often stay in relationships, losing ourselves not because of love, but out of fear of being alone... We think it's love, but it's actually fear that we fail to recognize.
We become dependent on the other person – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our happiness begins to rely entirely on how our partner feels. Over time, we lose ourselves in the process. We lose our values, our personality, and our true happiness. We do everything to make those around us happy, forgetting about ourselves. We focus on how others feel, whether they are sad, angry, or upset, while our own emotions become irrelevant.
✨️Our entire life revolves around pleasing others. The worst part is that we often don’t even realize it. We think everything is fine, that we are happy – because others are. But deep inside, something within us begins to wither. We lose touch with our own emotions. We become numb to what we truly feel. We fail to recognize that something in our lives is wrong. We don’t feel the pain, the emptiness, or the neglect we inflict upon ourselves.
And so, we go on for years until one day, everything falls apart. We feel like we’re being torn apart from the inside. We don’t understand what’s happening. How could this be? After all, everything seemed fine! But the pressure builds up, shattering any illusion of peace. Our body trembles, unable to contain the emotions it has bottled up for so long. All the sadness, regret, and grief come pouring out.
We regret not taking care of our own needs, feelings, and emotions. Our thoughts are filled with reflections on how much we lacked love for ourselves, even though we were so eager to give love to others. How desperately we wanted to be loved, not realizing it was impossible because we didn’t know how to love ourselves. As the saying goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”
✨️This lack of self-love often makes the relationships we build fragile and devoid of real depth. We seek validation and worth in others’ eyes, forgetting that the source of this validation must come from within. To truly love and be loved, we must first learn to accept ourselves – our flaws, needs, and emotions.
💖Remember, no one else is responsible for meeting our needs or taking care of our emotions. It’s up to us to decide whether we lose ourselves or find true happiness in a relationship with ourselves. A deep connection with yourself reflects in the quality of the relationships you build with others. Take care of yourself – it’s the most important relationship you’ll ever have.
💖Don’t be afraid to love yourself. The better your relationship with yourself, the more beautiful the relationships you can create with others.
With love ❤️